Stage 1: These classes are designed for children ages 4-5 years old. They will learn basic terminology and positions. They will learn the building blocks to leaps, turns, and tricks!
Stage 2: These classes are designed for children ages 6-7 years old. They will build on their terminology and positions. It will introduce intermediate level jump and leap skills.
Stage 3: These classes are designed for children ages 8-9 years old. They will continue to build on their terminology and positions. Learning and executing more advanced skills as well as strength and conditioning.
Stage 4: These classes are designed for children ages 10-12 years old. They will continue to build on their terminology and positions. Learning and executing more advanced skills as well as strength and conditioning.
Stage 5: These classes are designed for children ages 13 years +. They will continue to build on their terminology and positions. Learning and executing more advanced skills as well as strength andconditioning.
Creative Movement: This class is designed for children 18 months - 3 years old. Children will stretch, jump ,and play! This class focuses on age appropriate motor skills. A parent or caregiver will need to accompany child in this class!
Stretch & Conditioning: This class is designed for children 6 years of age and older. It incorporates different methods of stretching and strength training.
Acting: They will learn different acting techniques through improvisation, imaginary exercises, and games. Learning terminology, body language, and building confidence in students for auditions and large audience performances.
Musical Theater: They will learn different acting techniques through improvisation, imaginary exercises, and games. They will practice different songs from age appropriate musicals and practice the incorporation of song and dance into acting.
Voice Lessons: This class has vocal warm ups that help build vocal strength and control as well as agility. Students will get coaching on songs and performance.
American Sign Language: This class is available for both adults and children interested in learning American Sign Language. This class incorporates learning vocabulary words along with hand motions, facial expressions, and body language to learn how to communicate with deaf individuals.